Burp Cola TV commercial

avseq1, student ad project, for educational purposes only. English as a foreign language
Watch the 30-sec commercial, click here
Product: Burp Cola
Length: 30-sec TV commercial
Location: School Campus
File: MP4 (loads easily)
Mirror site: Online portfolio, click here Click here
Storyboard Illustrations: Click here (saved in wmv file)
Here's another message from Christine B. Ramazani:
Aiden, you have dazzled us once again! The commercials are very
expressive and really funny. Getting the technology (voice, music,
video, PowerPoint) together and producing these fun clips was quite a
feat on everybody's part! Congratulations to you and your students!
I will share this link with my current CALL Online class of 20 grad
students to show them the possibilities of podcasting.
I have also tried posting comments for your students but got an error
message, so in the meantime please relay my congrats to your students.
Thanks you for sharing this.
Christine Bauer-Ramazani
School of International Studies,
Saint Michael's College, One Winooski Park
Colchester, VT 05439-0253
web site: http://academics.smcvt.edu/cbauer-ramazani/
online CALL course:
10:50 AM
I, too, loved the music and facial expressions. Great acting!
11:36 AM
Very creative and fun! Congrats to all!
I also loved the acting.
What can I say about the music? It brought back great memories of my teens!! ;-)
Finally, congrats on a fantastic blend of tech tools.
Teresa (in sunny Lisbon, Portugal)
8:44 PM
Great ad team! Well done.
12:57 PM
Subject: [evonline2002_webheads] Aiden's English Advertising Class
Aiden's English Advertising Class did a great job pulling together the 30 second commercials. There were very creative and really funny. Ooh la la Deodorant was great!! So was Burp Cola. It is a great combination of teaching students how to use video, voice and music to convey a message. I am sure it was a lot of work but the results were excellent. It will help other teachers to explore this approach.
From Pat Hughes, sent on Sat, 3 Jun 2006 13:50:26 -0700 (PDT)
6:25 PM
You convince me! I want one of those...I'm thirsty too!:)
Greeting all the way from Portugal
5:47 AM
Wonderful work! Please congratulate your students on my behalf. I will show it to my classes next week to inspire them!
9:59 PM
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